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YOUR GOAL Muscle building

Mehr Muskeln, wenig Körperfett, ein attraktives Aussehen: Wer wünscht sich das nicht? Zwar gibt es kein allgemeingültiges Rezept, um diesen Zustand zu erreichen - aber einige wertvolle Regeln, die man kennen sollte. Grundsätzlich muss man wissen: Jeder Mensch ist einzigartig und individuell. Während einige nur mit Mühe Muskelmasse aufbauen (Hardgainer), haben andere Probleme damit, Gewicht und Körperfett in Schach zu halten (Softgainer). Wiederum andere (Ambitionierte & Profis) verfolgen das Ziel des maximalen Muskelaufbaus. Die Ernährung muss in jedem Falle individuell gestaltet und auf persönliche Faktoren wie Körperzusammensetzung, Trainingszeiten und Tagesablauf (Familie, Beruf) angepasst werden.

More muscles, less body fat, an attractive appearance: Who does not wish for that? Clearly, there is no universal and easy recipe for achieving it. But there are some valuable rules that one should rely on. Basically, you need to know: nobody is alike. While some people have difficulty building muscle mass (hardgainer), others have difficulty controlling weight and body fat (softgainer). Still others pursue the goal of building up maximum muscle mass (ambitious & professionals). In any case, the diet must be individually designed and adapted to personal factors such as body composition, training times and daily routine around family and job.



At more than 100 sporting events with more than 100,000 athletes every year, SPONSER® products are not only put through their paces under laboratory conditions, but also in practical tests. So not only our products, but also our athletes are always one step ahead of the competition.

At more than 100 sporting events with more than 100,000 athletes every year, SPONSER® products are not only put through their paces under laboratory conditions, but also in practical tests. So not only our products, but also our athletes are always one step ahead of the competition.